Slack future app platform

Current struggle

  • Dev flow & deployment
  • Complex settings & permissions
  • Not works well with recently Slack bulit-in features


👉 New app architecture!

Triggers | Workflows | Functions


Something you needs before kickoff!

What is deno?

A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. created by Ryan Dahl

A better Node.js? 😆

  • Better security
  • No more centrialized module system
  • Follow the standard
  • Rust & TypeScript (比較酷 😄)

Don't panic 😱

Let's walkthrough an easy example.

Can we use this cool thing now?

Maybe not! 😅

  • Lack lots of document & resources.
  • Unstable. (e.g., blackbox, private module)

Looking forward to the future but still useful for some toolkit. 😎

Pay Attention❗

  • Come check the recent changes of CLI & SDK
  • Go throught the FAQ first, maybe you will find some useful info. (e.g., beta platform not support some old features, like slack command)
  • Private modules might not work well (now).

Shared by SY (@siygle)


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